• Larysa Chepurda Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Serhii Yurchenko Cherkasy State Technological University
Keywords: quality management system, quality, service, tourism enterprise, quality management


The article considers the issues of forming a quality management system at tourism enterprises. The concept of "total quality management" is defined as a concept that provides for the targeted and coordinated application of quality management systems and methods in all areas of activity. Four stages of quality development at a tourism enterprise are defined and eight principles of total quality management are analyzed, which are the basis of the international ISO 9000 series standards in the field of quality management and guarantee sustainability in the tourism business. The concept of "quality management system" is disclosed, the benefits that enterprises and organizations receive from the use of a quality management system are argued, and the need for its implementation is confirmed. The peculiarities of applying the quality management system at tourism enterprises, in particular the requirements for personnel, resources and processes that allow to ensure a high level of quality of services, are researched. Since the successful implementation of TQM in the tourism sector depends on the development of an effective business plan, ensuring added value and implementing customer-oriented processes, the key factors that will make the application of TQM successful in the tourism sector are systematized. The expediency of implementing a quality management system at an enterprise, its development and continuous improvement as an instrument for strengthening competitiveness, enhancing market power and expanding market presence in the industry is substantiated. It is determined that a quality management system (QMS) allows an enterprise to implement quality control processes, monitor and analyze the quality indicators of products or services, identify and eliminate deficiencies, and improve products and their production processes. The publication systematizes the main factors and analyzes the principles that are key to the successful implementation of a quality management system (QMS). The methodological tools of the study were statistical analysis, descriptive, synthetic and analytical methods. The object of the study is to analyze the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of a quality management system in tourism enterprises.


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How to Cite
Chepurda, L., & Yurchenko, S. (2023). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF FORMING A QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT TOURISM ENTERPRISES. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (7), 32-35.