• Vladyslav Sukhenko Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Lesia Avdieieva Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of NAS of Ukraine
  • Iryna Osypenkova Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Yuliia Kurylenko Cherkasy State Technological University
Keywords: protection, corrosion, inhibitor, brine system, eating establishments,, ecology, heat exchange


The object of the research is oil systems, which have been widely used in industrial and commercial enterprises, in refrigerators at food enterprises for the production of ice cream, in the fermentation, brewing and dairy industries. Also, this equipment is widely used in the meat, wine, liquor and other branches of the food industry. In these systems, seamless pipes made of steel grades St.3 and Steel 20 are used for the production of pipelines of ammonia and freon refrigerating machines of high and medium productivity, water and oil pipelines. One of the most problematic areas is the low service life of this technological equipment. For example, the time of appearance of end-to-end destruction under the influence of cooling oil ranges from 0.5 to 3 years. And even the wide use of "stainless" steels such as 12X18Н9T in the food industry sometimes does not give us the desired results, because they are subject to corrosion cracking and cannot fully fulfill the technological tasks assigned to them. In the course of the study, methods of gravimetric studies of the corrosion resistance of carbon steels were used. Gravimetric (weight) analysis was used in the determination of quantitative chemical analysis, which was based on accurate measurement of the mass of the substance we used and its constituent parts, used in a chemically pure state or in the form of compounds of constant composition. This is one of the most important methods of quantitative analysis, which played a significant role in establishing the laws of constancy of the composition of chemical substances and its application in determining the chemical composition of a wide variety of natural and technical objects, in our case, minerals, metals, alloys, inorganic and organic substances. The proposed method allows, among other things, to use it as an arbitration method of analysis, if others give questionable results. The method of evaluating the effectiveness of inhibition in corrosion systems is based on the measurement of the instantaneous rate of metal corrosion by polarization resistance using a corrosion-measuring device consisting of sensors located on the appropriate sections of communications or in samples of the inhibited medium, and a corrosion measurement. The obtained results of approbation of the research method allow us to consider it an effective tool for obtaining objective information. This is due to the fact that single-component inhibitors often do not have sufficient effectiveness. For example, tests of synergistic inhibitory compositions based on urotropin and sodium hydroxide with additions of sodium nitrate and protein broth showed that the synergism of the main component and the additive is not observed for all studied compositions. When adding up to 1 g/l of NaOH to the protein solution, the degree of protection in drinking water increases to 99.2%, while the degree of protection of pure NaOH is 98.8%.


A Theoretical Model for Metal Corrosion Degradation David V. Svintradze1, Ramana M. Pidaparti Volume 2010 Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Corrosion Volume 2010, Article ID 279540, 7 pages DOI:

Sukhenko, Y.; Sukhenko, V. ;Mushtruk, M.;Litvinenko, A. Mathematical model of corrosive-mechanic wear materials in technological medium of food industry. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Pages. 2019. P. 507 – 514. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93587-4_53.

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Sukhenko, Y.; Sukhenko, V. ;Mushtruk, M.;Litvinenko A. (2019) Mathematical model of corrosive-mechanic wear materials in technological medium of food industry. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Pages, pp. 507 – 514 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93587-4_53.

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How to Cite
Sukhenko, V., Avdieieva, L., Osypenkova, I., & Kurylenko, Y. (2022). PROTECTION OF RESOURCE SYSTEMS OF FOOD ENTERPRISES AND FAULT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CORROSION INHIBITORS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (6), 44-50.