Keywords: communicative competencies, distance learning technologies, information technologies, online platforms, online services, podcasts


The article deals with the development of a unified method for conducting distance learning classes in a foreign language in non-linguistic universities, especially for students majoring in 241 "Hotel and restaurant business". The need of the hotel and restaurant industry for specialists who are fluent in a foreign language in their professional activities makes it necessary to find new approaches to solving the problem of optimizing distance learning of foreign languages for students of this specialty in order to improve their language and speaking skills. The purpose of the article is to consider and summarize effective teaching aids using innovative technologies of distance education in teaching a foreign language for professional purposes for students majoring in 241 "Hotel and restaurant business". The scientific novelty is to develop effective pedagogical methods and techniques using innovative technologies for distance learning of a foreign language for professional purposes and is an attempt to identify the most convenient platforms and online services for further development of effective methods of teaching a foreign language for professional purposes for students majoring in 241 "Hotel and restaurant business". The article describes the use of ZOOM platform, Viber program, various services and online resources like Kahoot, Flipgrid, LearnEnglish from British Council, LinguaLeo for distance learning of English. The choice of a specific distance learning platform and the recommendation of certain online services depends on the decision of a teacher, who must focus on the program requirements, the level of students' knowledge and their motivation, and technical resources. In general, the range of platforms, websites, online services and podcasts to improve listening, reading, writing and speaking skills is infinite, and the level and goals of language learning must be considered in each case.


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How to Cite
Starynets, O., & Harashchenko, D. (2022). TECHNOLOGIES OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCIES FORMATION OF PROFESSIONALS IN THE FIELD OF HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2), 58-66.